Wood and metal artist
I was born and raised in Casper Wyoming, USA, amongst the Rocky Mountains and open Prairies. The beauty of the scenery and the spirit of the native people have had an impact on me that would eventually reveal itself in my carvings. Although I have had a keen interest in wood work in my younger days, I never had the time to pursue it or receive any formal training.
I moved to Australia in 2002, with my family, and became an Australian citizen. In 2005, after a battle with leukaemia and 2 bone Marrow transplants and extended periods of inactivity, I dragged an old Poplar tree that had fallen in my yard, into my shed and decided to try my hand at carving a Totem pole, igniting a passion to create.
What began as a hobby is now a career for me. I source wood that has fallen locally, with Cypress, Cedar and Oak, being favourite's to carve, due to the beautiful grain and sheer size that is required for the larger sculptures. Chainsaws, grinders, routers and Dremel engravers are my chosen tools.
I am a member of the Victorian Woodworking Association and Manningham Wood Craft, where I have conducted numerous 3 day wood carving courses over the last 3 years. I have been very fortunate to have been sought after for exhibitions, workshops and private commissions.